My Life Behind the Blog in October

This last month has been all about decorating here on the blog with The Nester’s 31 Days Challenge. I enjoyed it so much even though it was hard to write every single day. But I’ve been up to more than just decorating! You can keep up with me on Twitter or Tumbler or Instagram!

I’ve been doing a lot of Crocheting. I’ve taught myself using videos and diagrams. I rarely finish anything because I’ll learn a new stitch or get excited for a new project-so for those of you who received and will receive my yarn creations feel lucky! 🙂


We had a great visit with Jeff’s parents at the beginning of the month. It was so nice to finally see some family! The visit felt far too short and I can’t wait until Christmas when we fly home to Oregon!


I’ve made some pretty delicious treats and meals this month 🙂 Many of them featured Pumpkin of course!

We also hosted our small group Bible study this month and I went to our Halloween Party (not at our house) as Rosie the Riveter.

I’ve done a little bit more running and walking and found a new favorite trail at the park nearby our apartment. I’m going to have to run a whole lot more as we only had two trick-or-treaters this year and are left with too much candy…

Watson is getting big and she literally follows me everywhere and likes to sleep between us at night.

And I’ve REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVED being a nanny this month. It’s great to create fun activities for Logan and Lil baby Abby loves to cuddle. Their mom and I have fun together too! I went with them to the zoo and we are hoping to go for weekly walks together. Lets hope this cool dry weather holds out!

Playing with “wa-wa” is one of our favorite things to do!
This was a simple activity where I hung a bunch of hangers from the ceiling fan (turned off of course) and let him hang, balance and fling them around! it was great fun!

Jeff has his first law school finals starting tomorrow. It has been nice to have him around a little more this last week as he didn’t have as many classes. We went on a few walks as study breaks, and I came with him to the law library and brought my crocheting so I could at least be near him as he studied. Life is good, and we are very blessed!

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